Here is the time log I turned in to show how much time I spent on everything, I couldn't complete the test because I spent too much time keeping things straight with my day job.
1700 - 1801
Downloaded CTS Art Test, and verified file content, then emailed office about missing texture file.
Studied reference images to try and make sense of what kind of vehicle I am supposed to model/texture.
Downloaded CTS Art Test, and verified file content, then emailed office about missing texture file.
Studied reference images to try and make sense of what kind of vehicle I am supposed to model/texture.
Blocked out a few parts for the front half of
the vehicle/scoop area.
1730 - 1800
Read email from office about missing texture file, then started daily log to record time spent on art test.
Finished the block out for the front half of the vehicle/scoop area.
Read email from office about missing texture file, then started daily log to record time spent on art test.
Finished the block out for the front half of the vehicle/scoop area.
1920 - 2256
Began block out for the back half of the vehicle/generator area, had a hard time getting exact shapes based on reference photographs.
Began block out for the back half of the vehicle/generator area, had a hard time getting exact shapes based on reference photographs.
1015 - 1325
Modeled the rear bumper and a fire extinguisher.
1426 - 1621
Modeled the rear bumper and a fire extinguisher.
1426 - 1621
Modeled lights and reflectors for the rear
1520 - 2030
Modeled fuel cover latch looking thing, wheel well covers, changed the main body of the back piece to match the reference better, began block out of what appears to be an air intake/filter canister.
Modeled fuel cover latch looking thing, wheel well covers, changed the main body of the back piece to match the reference better, began block out of what appears to be an air intake/filter canister.
1630 - 2113
Modeled air intake and filter canister looking thing, and red button thing near it.
Modeled air intake and filter canister looking thing, and red button thing near it.
1702 - 1810
Modeled air hose and cables, then prepped the rear geometry to look like the reference.
Modeled air hose and cables, then prepped the rear geometry to look like the reference.
1830 - 2210
Modeled rear, top panels, handles, hinges, and the entire connection to middle area.
Modeled rear, top panels, handles, hinges, and the entire connection to middle area.
1725 - 1856
Cleaned up geometry/history/naming conventions.
Cleaned up geometry/history/naming conventions.
1856 - 1903
Rendered shots from maya, since I don’t have any textures to show.
Rendered shots from maya, since I don’t have any textures to show.
1905 - 1926
Wrote up “completion” letter.
Wrote up “completion” letter.
Total time about 32 hours!Then finally the work as viewed from all four sides, you'll notice the middle part of the vehicle is missing because that part was already given to me modeled and textured by the company. My job was to match the other artists' skill level/style as much as possible.
The end result? I received an email telling me what I did right and wrong, and that they'd call me back in the following week.
I'm still working the internship for which I can not show any work. If my stuff ever gets approved and posted somewhere I'll be sure to grab a pic of it and post it here. Stay tuned and I'll ... not give up
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